Thursday, November 16, 2006

God help me

They caught me at an impressionable moment, the bastards.

After three hours of radio, a voiceover production session for the National Gallery of Victoria, and a steak for lunch, I was waylaid and coerced into agreeing to appearing on TV - Channel 31 - at 8.15 in the goddamn morning tomorrow, after a late night of DJ'ing, to spruik 3RRR's 30th birthday shenannigans.

God help me!


sublime-ation said...

God help you indeed. I don't know how you do it.

mskp said...

i have an idea how he does...

richardwatts said...

Why mskp, whatever could you mean...? ;-)

elaine said...

colombian marching powder?

richardwatts said...

Oh Elaine, if only my budget stretched to a cocaine habit! *slips into a happy fantasy*

Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed it!